Auckland LandSAR has been providing search and rescue services to the greater Auckland area since 1992. Covering a territory from Pukekohe to Warkworth, including the islands of the Hauraki Gulf, our professional volunteers provide their specialist search and rescue services 24/7 to the Auckland community free of charge via the NZ Police.
Whether it be searching in an urban, rural or wilderness environment for those who are lost, injured, suffer from dementia or are despondent, Auckland LandSAR’s committed volunteers dedicate thousands of hours each year to serving their community.
During the 2017 – 2018 year, our volunteers completed 2,664 training hours, 85 searches using a total of 4,200 volunteer hours. This was not only within the greater Auckland area but also included time spent in other parts of the North Island assisting other regions with their searches.
What isn’t well known is that as a volunteer organisation, we do not receive direct funding from the Government. As such we undertake a number of fundraising activities to ensure we are properly equipped to complete our operations. As such, we have a number of sponsors to who we are grateful for their ongoing support.